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  • In memory of Sister Francisca María Gil Navazo, R.T.

    By Community Manager

    With profound sorrow in our hearts, we lift our prayers and thoughts in this moment of grief for the passing of Sister Francisca María Gil Navazo, former Mother Superior of the Teatine Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, who returned to the Father’s house today, December 7, 2024. Sister Francisca María…

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  • Presbyteral Ordination of Wiktor C. Wójcik C.R.

    By Community Manager

    On November 30, 2024, at the majestic Basilica of Sant’Andrea della Valle in Rome, the Solemnity of Saint Andrew the Apostle was celebrated with a moving Mass, presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Claudio Gugerotti, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches. During this ceremony, Deacon Wiktor C. Wójcik…

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  • Diaconal Ordination of Theatine Brothers

    By Community Manager

    The Order of Clerics Regular Theatines and the Theatine Province of the United States “Our Lady of Purity” are pleased to announce the diaconal ordination of the brothers of solemn vows: Salvador Alejandro Maldonado Torres C.R. Luis Alberto Pacheco León C.R. Sebastián López Ortega C.R. Víctor Rosales Martínez C.R. The…

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  • Solemn Profession of Brother Santiago Raúl Daue, C.R.

    By Community Manager

    On Saturday, December 14th, at 8:00 PM, Brother Santiago Raúl Daue, C.R., will make his Solemn Profession at the Sanctuary of San Cayetano in La Plata, located at Av. 44 between 29 and 30. The Mass will be presided over by Rev. Fr. Pedro Miguel Romero C.R., Provincial Superior of…

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    By Community Manager

    Giacomo Torno was born as the second child of the family in 1539 (or 1541) in Naples, to the lawyer Giovan Antonio Torno and Laura Follera. As a young man, he studied letters and law, and at the age of 18, despite his father’s strong opposition, he joined the Theatine…

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