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  • Treaty of the Blessed Sacrament of the altar

    By Community Manager

    This treatise seeks to answer why the Lord has instituted this great Sacrament. This is why Andrew Avelino explains how God, having created man with body and soul, has provided them with food. And it explains what are the foods of the body and those of the soul. Christ instituted…

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  • Lent calendar for children and young people

    By Community Manager

    From the Theatine Province of Spain and Colombia, the Provincial Secretary, R.P. Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, C.R., shares with us the Lent calendar and schedule to use in the different communities with children and young people! You can download it at the following link. We thank Fr. Francisco, C.R.…

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  • “Send workers to your harvest…”

    By Community Manager

    With joy we received the news from our Theatine brothers in Mexico of the entry into the Postulancy of four new candidates for consecrated life in our Theatine Order. Regarding the postulancy, our Constitutions, in Article 98, teach us that: “It is lawful for our religious family to promote vocations,…

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  • Animated video: St. Cajetan and the Theatine foundation

    By Community Manager

    Discover the fascinating story of St. Cajetan and the birth of the Clerics Regular Theatines in our new animated video! Join the little ones on an exciting journey through the life of this inspirational saint and how the Theatine Order came to be. Get ready to immerse yourself in an…

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  • Important announcement

    By Community Manager

    To the readers and followers of our website, I contact you directly on this occasion to remind you that the only email account I use is: Please know, and notify those who consider it, in order to prevent them from electronic fraud due to identity theft, I am obliged…

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  • Interview on 60 MINUTI NEWS

    By Community Manager

    We share the edition of the episode of 60 MINUTI NEWS, on TeleMia, hosted by Raffaella Silvestro, in which the young people, Sofia Randazzo, Serena Andrea Calabrese and Christian Gara will be the protagonists of “Calabrians in the World”, a program that will explore the bond profound and centenary of…

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  • New paintings in progress for the General House.

    By Community Manager

    Rodolfo Papa, a prominent artist, begins the creation of new works that will enrich the internal gallery of the General House of the Order of Clerics Regular, Theatines. These paintings are a fundamental part of the commemoration of the fifth centenary of the founding of the order. With his brush,…

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