Annual Assembly

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From July 8 to 11, 2024, the members of the Paul VI Province of Brazil of the Order of Theatine Clerics Regular met for their Annual Assembly at the São Pio X House of Formation in Fartura-SP.
Inspired by the Theatine Jubilee Year, we counted on the participation of members of the Secular Theatine Family from the parishes where we are working.
With the help of Rev. João Victor dos Santos Silva, CR, we were able to review our history as an Order and Province: “Theatines for the world and the Church of today”, according to the motto of this Jubilee Year.
We also took advantage of it and began preparing for the 2025 Provincial Chapter, where we used the methodology of the Synod of Bishops: “Conversation in the Spirit”, to look at our Provincial Directory in order to review it, evaluate it and take into account the considerations that will still be addressed at the Provincial Chapter.
The Secular Theatine Family had its moment of rediscovery and appreciation under the coordination of Rev. Gleison Magatão, CR, and his team.
The great culmination of the Assembly took place in the parish church of Nossa Senhora das Dores, in Fartura-SP, the 1st Theatine parish in Brazil. Rafael Tadeu, CR, and co-celebrated by the members of the Province, followed by a dinner offered by the parish and the launch of the commemorative album of the Theatine Jubilee under the coordination of Rev. José Sérgio de Lima, CR.
We praise the good Lord for these moments of sharing, fraternity and learning during these days!
God be praised!
Fr. Lucas Gobbo, CR
Provincial Secretary of Brazil