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Priestly Ordination of the Deacon João Victor dos Santos Silva, C.R.

By Community Manager

Dec 11 2020





Next Saturday, December 12, 2020, the day of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the day on which the Theatine Fathers remember Blessed John Marinoni, C.R., Deacon João Victor dos Santos Silva, C.R. will be ordained Priest, by the imposition of hands of our Bishop Theatine R.P. Gorgônio Alves da Encarnação Neto, C.R.

The ordination celebration takes place in the Parish of Our Lady of the Stars in Itapetininga starting at 10 am. (Sao Paulo time, Brazil).

You can follow the celebration broadcast live on our Facebook page, by CLICKING HERE

In the following link you can access the book of the celebration, to accompany from home: ORDENAÇÃO PRESBITERAL – Diac. João Victor, CR

We pray for this brother of ours, so that the Good Father, the Holy Mother and our Founding Fathers, accompany him, protect, strengthen and guide him always in his path.

Visit the website of the Diocese of Itapetininga and learn about the entire vocational career of Deacon João Víctor, C.R. ??

Diácono João Victor será ordenado Padre neste sábado (12) em Itapetininga