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Mass of Institution of the Ministry of Lectorate

By Community Manager

Nov 02 2024





The Theatine Province of Argentina is honored to invite you to participate in a solemn Eucharistic celebration in which four of our brothers will receive the Ministry of Lectorate.

With great joy, we will accompany:

Elder Ordoñez Gironza, C.R.
Daniel Ricardo Rodríguez Quijano, C.R.
Juan Diego Prieto Moreno, C.R.
Facundo Martínez, C.R.

Date: Sunday, November 10
Time: 11:00 AM
Place: San Cayetano Parish – Villa Adelina
Address: Dean Funes 950, Villa Adelina

The Ministry of Lectorate represents an important milestone in their vocational journey, where these brothers will commit themselves in a special way to the proclamation of the Word of God and service to the community. It is a significant step towards a life of dedication and faith in service to the Church.

We invite you to join us in this special mass, sharing our joy and offering your prayers for our brothers in this crucial moment of their formation.

Your presence will be a gift and a blessing! Come celebrate and witness this beautiful commitment in the life of the Church. We look forward to seeing you!