60th Anniversary of the San Cayetano School of Villa Adelina (Argentina)

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60 Years Serving the Church and the Order
It was with great joy that we received from our Theatine brothers in Argentina the news of the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Colegio San Cayetano de Villa Adelina, which took place on Saturday, May 4.
The Provincial Superior of our sister Province, Fr. Pedro M. Romero, CR, shared with us some of the moments lived in joy and communion, in his words:
“On this day we celebrated with the entire Educational Community of the San Cayetano School of Villa Adelina the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Institution.
We started at 10 am with the raising of the National flag and the protocol greeting to all those present.
Then Father General presided the Holy Mass accompanied by the Teatinos Fathers of Argentina.”
“Father Salvador thanked the whole Community for the work of all these years. Within the framework of the Theatine Jubilee Year he invited to continue the pastoral and educational work of the students.”
“Then he blessed a plaque commemorating Fr. Santiago Hermoso de Mendoza, CR, and highlighted the work of many years of this Theatine father.
In an atmosphere of simplicity this great feast of the Theatines of Argentina was lived.”